The Scribe

Writing for Jesus is not a new idea. Even though Jesus never wrote anything, people have been writing for him since the beginning. “The Scribe” is a poem that will inspire you to write for Jesus.

The Scribe

His hand moves as to an unborn song. . His pen an instrument;
Words as notes
Of a tune-
A harmony
For all who would listen.

In the verdant silence he ponders;
But for a moment.
Hand poised,
Waiting for the Maestro.

He watches.
As baton is lifted
He strikes the page.
His inscriptions the bow.
An instrument that gives birth
To his voice.

In the passion of the moment
A melody of words-
A composition
Keeps tempo
Of the stirrings of his heart.

Now, here mind and soul
Plays a symphony.
And with him an orchestra
Joins in celebration!

Hear the fervor!
The melodious flow of his pen-
His inspiration from a source
That knows no final performance!
He is the Scribe.

By Annette Trodd

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