Who are you writing for? (Part 4)

Here is the third reason to get to work and write for Jesus.

3. Whatever you Write, Write to the Glory of God.

I encourage and exhort you – as a Christian writer – to start listening to God, making time to study and practice the Scriptures, and be open to the Holy Spirit who wants to speak through your unique personality, voice and pen. Such is the nature of God and His truth that there is always something new to say or a new way to say what has been taught before.

He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” – Matthew 13:52

As a disciple of Jesus, you are required to deny yourself first, so you can take up your cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23) – to be God’s ready writer requires a serious and single-minded commitment. God is looking for servants who are reliable, and focused on the things that matter most to Him. There are too many accounts of scribes and leaders with their own agenda’s in the Scriptures for us not to see that this is important to the Lord. Writing for Jesus may not make you rich or popular or successful, but when the Lord is pleased with you then He will be glorified.

As writers we have the opportunity to see our words published and distributed, so it is vital that we be diligent concerning what we send out. Once words have been let go, you cannot get them back. We must consecrate our words and allow God to guide them, inform them and use them to fulfil His purposes. That’s why the Scriptures MUST be foundational to our walk with God, and our calling to write, and a high priority in our life. Without the Scriptures, we will go astray – EITHER by elevating ourselves to the status of a false prophet who claims to speak for God, OR by distorting the truth to suit our own agendas and mixing it with worldly perspectives.

The only safeguards are a willingness to humble ourselves, allow the Spirit of the Scriptures to teach us, allow those Scriptures to scrutinise our words, and by seeking the honest counsel of godly people who know and recognise the authority of Scripture.

Dare to write the things that God shows you with the authority and confidence of His call, but never confuse these with truth and faith. In humility, bow to the Scriptures as the plumbline, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, and give godly people permission to keep you accountable. Seek to be God’s ready writer, so that when you stand before the Lord, you will hear the words,

“Come, my good and faithful servant.”

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